50 years in the service of culture
I was born in Granada (October 1950), the Albayzín quarter, compared to the walls of the Alhambra, and from very small, I felt a special curiosity to whatever part of my universe, no doubt, the place where I came the world will be influenced in some way. The truth is that since very young, I was attracted to learn the ways of village life and people and nature in the four seasons. The reading of the classics (Pérez Galdós, Valle Inclán, Federico García Lorca, Unamuno, Machado ...) plus the amazing adventure books of Stevenson, Jules Verne and Salgari, part of my life, whose pages were making their mark sand, to intervene in a resolution that every day was getting more clear in my mind, body and soul to devote to writing, narrating, to transmit. He was always or writing or had a book in my hands. I learned very quickly that an important part of human happiness was to join the vocation and profession, so I did not want dead minutes, and jumped, with the limited resources of a modest home, the adventure of learning, but from the dimension of the experience, writing non-stop everything notebooks deserve my curiosity, conversation and, above all, listening to those who contributed a great experience for their experiences, but always emphasizing the positive aspects of the people, for they are the qualities and virtues of human beings that have gone up the foundation of society since the dawn of time.
Without realizing it, I was getting closer to the themes of my profession: anthropology, art, archeology, gastronomy, ecology ..., science, with journalistic eye, was picking up, and all this did not stop capture writing. Under this concept, I acquired a solid knowledge of different cultures that, over time, were settled in the Spanish geography, and soon realize that most of them came to us by sea across the Mediterranean.
He studied journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. And after finishing passenger journeys started throughout the Mediterranean basin. I know most of the countries bordering the Mare Nostrum, and especially France and Turkey. The fruits of those journeys would soon see the light in nationally syndicated magazines, gaining notable awards, some, like "France, tourism and gastronomy" in 1981, the "European humanity" that gave me the Council of Europe twice (1983 and 1984) as the best journalist of the continent, or the "Tutav" award in 1990 by the Ministry of Tourism of Turkey, the journalist who best knows the country ..., all these awards gave me a great life force to continue working on the development of cultural journalism.
He maintained an intense journalistic activity, always from the perspective of independence, with the completion of hundreds of articles published in national media, illustrated mostly with photographs of the author, and focused on analyzing the history, art, gastronomy, ecology, or interviews with people who provided concepts of interest to society. I have always felt that if the land from its owners, but instead the landscape of those who know to appreciate this, we also discover the world as travelers rather than tourists, because a traveler without knowledge is like a bird without wings.
The traditions that have been part of our culture, from the bread, olive oil, wine, saffron cultivation, distillation of aromatic plants, blown glass, charcoal, baskets, etc.., In addition to fine arts (painting, sculpture, design, etc.) always have a special interest earned. Therefore, there have been countless newspaper work I have written in the national media, and published numerous books, always emphasizing the values of achievement and, above all, getting into the skin of its artisans.
I've also always felt a special attraction to the unusual, magical and esoteric fascination with the Templars, the Cathars and the Celtic Druids ... The hidden history, revealing everything that textbooks do not dare to analyze or ignore. Why are my regular contributor to magazines such as "Año Cero" (Year Zero), "Enigmas" (Mystery), "Historia de Iberia Vieja" (History of Old Iberia ), "Más Allá de la Ciencia" (Beyond Science) ...
Professional Activity
- Journalist of articles and reports for diferent media.
- Writer of historical novels and essays.
- Speaker for cultural and eductional institutions.
- Cultural Events coordinator.
Photo Gallery
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Manresa conference
| | Sant Climent de Taüll front | | Ascó |
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In the sanctuary of the "Virgen de la Balma"
| | With Vanessa Vallès and Joan Panisello, in Tortosa
| | Vinaròs, Castellón