NEW BOOK: Los castillos templarios de España (Ed. Nazarí abril 2022. Colección Arrayanes)

Tribute in Taramundi:
On October 8, 2021 (Friday), at 11:00 a.m., after the presentation of my book: "A man between two worlds", edited by Amarante (Salamanca, 2021), in the form of a biography dedicated to the person of Horacio García Cotarelo, in the Plenary Hall of the Hon. City Council of the council of Taramundi (Asturias), I was honored by the mayor of the aforementioned Asturian municipality, César Villabrille Quintana, for my career in promoting Taramundi, in all senses, over three decades, receiving the "Cross of Victory", from the Principality of Asturias, as well as a pocket knife engraved with my name by the famous artisans of Taramundi.
"Una vida entre dos mundos", Editorial Amarante; Salamanca 2021:
"El Holocausto Cátaro" (Collection Arrayanes), Editorial Nazarí, Granada 2021:
"El libro del Azafrán" (Mitos y Leyendas del Oro Rojo), Editorial Amarante:

"El Pirineo insólito" (50 lugares donde perderse), Editorial Lectio:

"Senderos con alma" Luciérnaga Editorial (Planet group):

"Simbología sagrada (las claves ocultas de la historia de las religiones)", Diversa Ediciones:

Interview on Magazine "Viceversa" of New York. Link:
"Templarios en el Maestrazgo", Diversa Ediciones:

"Ultimul eretic" (Amargul catarismului), romanian translation of "El Último Hereje". by Editorial Editura Antim Ivireanul:

Last book: “La Confesión. El Médico Templario" (Historic Novel), by Editorial Octaedro:

Buy the book: “La Mitología Templaria” (La obra más completa sobre la Orden del Termple), by Diversa Editions:

Interview in La Luz del Medioevo:
Mitología céltica (El mundo de los druidas); Dédalo Ed.!product/prd12/2140620465/%2522mitolog%25c3%25ada-c%25c3%25a9ltica%2522-de-jes%25c3%25bas-%25c3%25a1vila-granados
Interview in Doce Linajes, para la conferencia de Cuenca: “La mitología templaria”:
New book: Belibaste, le dernier cathare”ître/bélibaste-le-dernier-cathare.html
New book: “La mitología templária”

More information:
New literary success: "La sombra del cardenal". Historical novel.

For more information: book's website
New book:
"El último hereje" ("The last heretic") Historical novel. Ed. Círculo Rojo.

Available E-Book version of "La Andalucía de los viajeros":
Three new books in e-Book format:
La Mitología Templaria:
La Mitología Cátara:
La Mitología Celta:
New book published: "La Andalucía de los viajeros"; editorial Círculo Rojo.